REVELATION, The Rapture, Tribulation, and The Eternal Estate

(New Edition)

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Do you understand why and

what is happening in this Nation.

Its Government and governments around the world today? The hatred that's promoted among the people and political parties, the division among the leadership of a nation that professes to be united? Well it's the fulfillment of Daniel's prophecy, Daniel 2:32,33, and 40-43, of endtime events that will precede the rapture and second coming of Christ.The title,"Revelation: The Rapture. Tribulation, and Eternal Estate"(New Edition), by Hershel Landers, clears up decades of misinterpretations and understandings of the characters and events of endtime prophecy in the books of Daniel and Revelation. It provides context and clarity to the endtime events prophesied in Daniel and Revelation, with focus on its fulfillment in the United State Government today. Revelation: The Rapture, The Tribulation, The Eternal Estate, (New Edition),  by Hershel Landers. Available on Amazon, Word of Life bookstore, 6321 West Bl, Los Angeles, CA 90043 and "" website.This book makes clear the  metaphorical interpretations of the seven seals, the seven heads,and ten horns of the beast. Revelation: The Rapture, Tribulation, and Eternal Estate, (New Edition), provides a fresh perspective on these topics. It gives a comparative look at the attitude, attributes, and events of the Government of the antichrist, and that of the previous administration and the U.S. Government today.

Get your copy at the Word of Life bookstore, 6321 West Bl. Los Angeles, CA 90043 (323) 295-8223, Amazon online, or website. Thing to know about the great Tribulation.

#1) The consequences for refusing to take the mark of the beast is not death, but restriction from participating in the global commerce system.

#2) One will not be forced in the great Tribulation to choose between salvation and starvation.

#3) Many, in the great Tribulation,will worship the Antichrist, Or ,take his mark, Or, worship his image and be forgiven, it's the combination of those three acts that are unforgivable.

#4) Salvation will be just as accessible in the Tribulation as it is today.

#5) The opening of the seven seals is not "God's" retribution upon those who missed the rapture, but rather the consequences of humanitie's accumulated behavior, reaped Gal6:7.

Find this and much more in the book,

Revelation:The Rapture, The Tribulation,The Eternal Estate, (New Edition), by Hershel Landers.

Pick it up at Word Of Life bookstore, 6321 West Bl. Los Angeles, CA 90043

or online at Amazon, or

Introduction to the Book of Revelation.

The book of revelation is just what its name implies; it is a revelation from God the father to God the Son, to John, for the Angels of the church, the laity of the church being the final recipients. It’s just a revelation of the end time attitudes and behavior that will dominate in the church in the last days, and the consequential events as a result thereof. The entire message is to the church and the message is, except the attitude of the church in general, and yours personally, at the end of the church dispensation are aligned with the B attitudes at the beginning of the church dispensation, Matt. Chapter 5-7, many in the church will miss the rapture. Five of the seven churches were rejected because of ungodly attitudes. Everything in revelation from chapters 5 through chapter 18, are the events of the tribulation and the consequences of missing the rapture, and therein is the purpose of the letter to the church.

Although there will be a great loss of life during the great tribulation, it’s not the end of this earth, its inhabitants, nor of time as we know it today. Life will exist on earth through the one-thousand-year millennial reign, and into that little season after Satan’s release from the bottomless pit, see Rev. 20:1-3, a possible 1250 years after the rapture. One half of the earth’s population will be killed, but not at the hand of God, nor the antichrist. The only deaths associated with, or attributed to the antichrist are the martyr’s, Rev.6:9-11, and the multitude in Ch. 7:9,13,14. But the groups in chapter seven verses 9-14, include all saints who died in the tribulation, not just the martyrs, but those from the events of the tribulation, and/or natural sources. God is not seeking vengeance or retribution upon those who missed the rapture. So, the events of the tribulation are not God’s plan, desire, will, or his judgment, but the consequences of man’s own behavior unfolding in the last days, see Galatians 6:7.

Peter said in 11Pet. 3:9 that God is not willing that any should perish, but that all come to repentance. John 10:10, Jesus said, “The thief cometh not but for to kill, steal, and destroy, but I have come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly “. It would be contrary to the nature / character of God, and works of the cross, for God to implement a plan or exercise his will or judgment that would cause a sinner to parish in the age of grace. While there is judgement under grace it’s under the law of sowing and reaping, Gal.6:7-8, which means, it’s correctable and forgivable. God has shortened the days of the great tribulation less no flesh should be saved (Mark 13:20) He did that by confining all the violence of the tribulation into the last three- and one-half years of the seven-year tribulation, the great tribulation.                     

God grace will be multiplied in the tribulation as sin and death will abound. Paul says in Romans 5:20 where sin did abound (increase) grace did much more abound. The raptured church is gone but by no means is it the entirety of the church of Jesus Christ, it’s just the first harvest. But even so the word of God is yet covering those in the earth, Matt.24:35,” Heaven and earth will pass away but my word will not pass away”. So those who miss the rapture are not helpless, hopeless, nor at the mercy of Satan and his antichrist. God’s grace will much more abound where sin increase. It will be no more difficult for one to give their hearts to God in the tribulation than it is during the church dispensation.  Paul said in Eph.2:8, for by grace are you save through faith, and grace covers the tribulation saints as well, if grace is required for salvation for the church saints, so is it for all other groups. All though the raptured church   is lifted from the earth, faith by way of God’s word, Rom.10:17, and grace by way of God’s mercies, are not, and will rise above the level of the temptation. Paul says in 1Corth. 10:13, “there is no temptation taken you, but such as is common to man, but God is faithful, who will not suffer, (allow), you to be temped above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make away for your escape, that ye may be able to bare it “.

That word, and all the word of God is yet covering those during the tribulation. In our interpretation of the book of revelation, we have magnified Satan’s powers and abilities through the antichrist and diminished the power and the grace of God. The purpose of the book of revelation is not to make the church fearful or uncomfortable but rather to reassure us, as we see the signs of the prophecy unfolding, that nothing is out of control, God is controlling it all. 

All the events of the tribulation are unfolding just as the prophecy of Daniel and Revelation said it would. That should give the child of God joy peace and faith, not fear.

One of the purposes of this book is to dispel all fear of the characters, events, content, and interpretations of the book of Revelation. The book of revelation reveals the end time attitude and activities within the church, and man’s behavior that will be dominant in the last days. It’s an end time message to the end time Church and just as pertinent to the Church as the gospel is to the world.

          One will notice as we carefully read and study the book of Revelation , that no man or even angels had the authority to open the seals of the book or look therein, Rev.6:1,3,5,7,9,12, and 8:1.  Even after the seals are opened by the lamb, all the events therein are under the authority control and restrictions of God and His angels, as in Rev.9:1-5, none at the command of the dragon beast or the false prophet.


The Rapture, The Tribulation and The Eternal Estate (New Edition)

Did you know that the attributes and actions of the former president and half of the U.S.Governing body, are in perfect alignment with Daniel's prophecy of the attributes and conditions of the antichrist and his Government.

See Daniel 7:25 He will think (attempt) to change times and laws, (history).

Daniel 8:11 He will magnify, (exalt himself) to the prince of the host, (military).

Daniel 8:12 He will politize the military,and cast the truth to the ground.

Daniel 8:24 He shall destroy the mighty and Holy people, christians who support his agenda.

Daniel 8:25 He shall magnify in his heart, and destroy many from a platform of peace, law and order.

Daniel 11:23 He shall work deceitfully and be popular with a small group of people.

Daniel 11:24 He shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches, with those who support his agenda.

Daniel 11:31 He will pollute the sanctuary, (The office of the Presidency).

Daniel 11:37-39 He will not respect the desires of the woman, he will honour the god of force, gold, silver, power etc...

See chapter ten, page 125-127 of the book.

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Things To Know About The Great Tribulation

In the two sections listed below are 14 points that are often times misinterpreted and taken out of context. I hope that these points bring illumination to your understanding.

Great Tribulation #1


1. The antichrist is not the author of the events of the tribulation he’s manipulating them.

2. Most deaths in the tribulation will not be at the hands of the antichrist Rev.6:8,9:13-15,18.

3. Most Christians, who die in the great tribulation will not be martyred/beheaded but victims of war, and the events of the great tribulation, see Rev. 6:8,9:18.

4. The mark of the beast will affect the merchants, not the consumers Rev.18:3,11,15-18.

5. The consequences for refusing the mark of the beast is not death, Rev.13:16,17, But restriction from participating in the antichrist’s one world commerce system, Wherein all the participants will become rich, Rev.18:19.

6. One will not be forced to choose   between salvation and starvation, Matt.6:25,31,33.

7. A single act of taking the mark of the beast is just as forgivable in the tribulation as tattoos and marks of Satan are today. See the combination of unforgivable acts of worship to the beast in Rev.14:9-11.   

Great Tribulation #2


8. Many will worship the beast “or” his image “or” take his mark and be forgiven, it’s the combination of those three acts that rises to the level of blasphemy / unforgiveness. See the same principle in Rom.10:9 as it applies to salvation and eternal life.


9.Those who miss the rapture are not at the mercy of the antichrist Rom.5:20.

10.The word Of God will be preached, and The Holy Spirit present in the tribulation Matt.24:35, Rev.14:6, John14:16.17.26.

11.Salvation will be just as accessible in the tribulation as it is in the church dispensation Matt.18:20, Heb.13:5, Rev.7:3 ,4, Rev.11:3.

12.The opening of the seals is not God releasing his judgement in the great tribulation

But the consequences of humanities accumulated behavior, see Gal.6:7.

13.Satan does not have the authority. ability or power to give life to anything, see Jn.10:9,10,


14.The terms, Before the foundation of the world, Predestination. the lamb’s book of life Are all expressing the eternal state. Eliminate, either of these conditions or positions from God’s plan of salvation, and there’s no eternal life. These terms are never associated with sin or sinn
ers, Rom.8:29, Ephesians1:5,11, Rev.13:8,17:8.        

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Who is The Author?

To answer that question, I must begin at childhood. I was born in the small town of Humboldt, eighty-seven years ago. A small town in West Tennessee. I am the third of eleven siblings. In those days the dominate industry was farming, so the first ten years of my life was in the Cotton fields working in the evenings after school.

I got my first real job and social security card at ten years old and began my working career at the local canning factory. I worked three jobs in that space from ten to sixteen. At the age of seventeen my senior year in high school, My Father became permanently disabled and unable to provide for the family.