My Humble Beginnings!

Being the oldest of nine siblings, I left school in my senior year and joined the military in 1954 to support my family.

My military pay was $78.00 a month seventy of which I sent home, this white middle class fellow soldier name Dave Lambert, who worked in payroll, pulled me aside one day and inquired about my situation. He informed that he would fill out and file the necessary forms that would qualify me as head of household, thus qualified for military hardship assistance. My monthly military income increased to forty dollars a month, but more importantly, the family's increased from seventy to $245.00 a month. A fifty percent increase above my Father's monthly income. During that three-year period and military allotment, my Mother who had never worked a day in her life, was financially able to enroll in a cosmetology class, open a shop, and produce four B.A, degrees and two masters.

So, who is Hershel Landers? He is a high school dropout. He's a Korean War veteran. He's a missionary on five continents, nine Nations, and twenty-one missions around the world. He is an Elder, Minister, and Teacher in the Church of Jesus Christ, ordained in the Church of God in Christ.

Above all that, he is a servant called, excepted and prepared by the Holy Spirit to deliver the gospel of truth to the world and the church. This book is a service rendered unto God. Who am I? I am the author, to God be all the glory.

Elder Landers daughter and family.

Elder Landers daughter and grand-daughter

And the legacy continues!

I'm Praying that you Gain Wisdom from this book. Here's What's Inside...

  • The single act of taking the mark of the beast is just as forgiveable in the tribulation as tattoos and marks of satan are today. See Revelation 14:9-11.
  • Satan does not have the authority, ability or power to give life to anything. See John 10:9-10, Acts 17:25,26,28.
  • Those who miss the rapture are not at the mercy of the antichrist. See Romans 5:20.
  • The opening of the seals is not God releasing his judgement in the great tribulation, But the consequences of humanities accumulated behavior. See Galatians 6:7